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NAEYC maintains a list of programs that are currently accredited to assist individuals in finding NAEYC accredited programs in their area.

NAEYC for Families website assists families in gaining knowledge of how their children will grow and learn.

Department of Public Health Parent information page.

The goal of the Care 4 Kids program is to make child care affordable for low to moderate income families in Connecticut.

The Center utilizes the CT Early Learning and Development Standards (CT ELDS) and the Connecticut Preschool Assessment Framework (PAF) as the foundational documents to plan our experiences and monitor the children’s growth. The CT ELDS and PAF are documents that outline Connecticut’s Learning Standards and Outcomes according to eight areas known as Learning and Development Standards: Cognition, Social & Emotional Development, Physical Development & Health, Language & Literacy, Creative Arts, Mathematics, Science and Social Studies. The implementation of Connecticut’s Development Standards are intentionally planned for, implemented, observed and assessed in our weekly Early Learning Experience Plans which are formulated on the basis of children’s interests and needs, both as a group and individually. The cycle of observing, assessing, planning and implementing is an on-going cycle of the Intentional Teaching Process.

The Connecticut Preschool Assessment Framework (PAF).

CT State Department of Education Early Learning and Development Standards (CT ELDS).

Connecticut children, their parents, a relative caregiver and pregnant women may be eligible for a Connecticut Husky Health Program, depending on family income.

CT Parenting: A Service of the Department of Children and Families is a central hub of useful parenting information. At this one site, you can find thousands of fully researched local and national web sites that provide clarity and support on all things parenting.

ConneCT Kids is an official State of CT website for children. Learn fun facts about our State and play games.

Zero to THREE is a national, nonprofit organization that provides parents, professionals and policymakers the knowledge and know-how to nurture early development.

The Birth to Three System assists and strengthens the capacity of families to meet the developmental and health-related needs of infants and toddlers who have delays or disabilities.

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