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“Play is often talked about as if it were a relief from serious learning.  But, for children, play is serious learning.  Play is really the work of childhood.” Fred Rogers

At Woodbridge Child center, our curriculum aligns with our philosophy, vision and mission statements. Our curriculum focuses on supervised play and creative exploration, allowing every child to explore their world and develop their abilities at their own pace.

The center is divided according to ages into 4 rooms with 6 areas: an infant room, three toddler areas, a Preschool room and a Pre-K room. Each age group has developmentally appropriate activities to foster the physical, social and cognitive development of each child. It is through their environment, materials and learning experiences (both inside and outside the classroom) that the children’s learning is enhanced.  The teacher’s role as facilitator, along with their use of intentional teaching, supports children’s growth, needs, and interests.

Our curriculum is guided by the the standards of the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) and the Connecticut Early Learning and Development Standards (CTLEDS).  These standards cover the following:

  • Language and Literacy
  • Social and Emotional Development
  • Physical Development and Health
  • Fine and Gross Motor
  • Cognition
  • Social Studies
  • Creative Arts
  • Science
  • Math

“Play gives children a chance to practice what they are learning.” Fred Rogers

Curriculum comes to life…

Woodbridge Child Center offers programs for children ages 6 weeks to 5 years.

Infant and Pretoddler (Toddler A)

This classroom offers an enriching learning environment for our youngest children. The divided room enables teachers to provide developmentally appropriate activities indoors and out. Once older infants are starting to walk they transition to the pre-toddler side (Toddler A).  Continuity in the room and teaching team ensure the first transition is a comfortable one.  The pre-toddler side introduces more organized group activities and programs, such as visits to the Woodbridge Library’s children’s room.

Toddler (Toddler B and C)

The toddler classroom is an opportunity for children ages 18 months to 3 years to grow and engage in increasingly complex tasks that support their development. Around 2-2.5, children transition to the older side of the classroom.  This in-room transition enables children to move to a developmentally appropriate learning environment that feels familiar, with teachers they know and begin preparation for preschool, including toilet training support.

Preschool (3’s)

The preschool classroom gives children ages 3-4 an opportunity to put into practice many of the skills they have already developed. Through play and intentional teaching, the children are able to learn new skills. The children learn how to solve problems, think creatively, communicate, understand, figure out what comes next. They also are learning critical social skills as they learn to play together and share space. At circle time, children are able to interact with their teachers about topics they are learning. Center time for the preschool gives the children an opportunity to work and play in small groups and they focus on fine motor, creative learning, listening, dramatic play, building and constructing and sensory play.

Prekindergarten (4’s)

The Pre-K program helps to continue developing social skills, communication, creative learning, listening and problem solving skills. Like the preschool, they explore these skills through center time. They also work on letter and number recognition, writing their name, counting, sorting, scissor use and other fine motor development. Our goal is to have the children leaving our program ready for the next step whether it is transitional kindergarten or kindergarten.

Learning Partners:

Learning at Woodbridge Child Center is enriched through intentional partnerships with early childhood educators in our community.

Woodbridge Library-Children’s Room

Our children, pre-toddlers to pre-kindergarten participate weekly in story-time, music and movement with the Children’s Librarian at the Woodbridge Library.

Twinkletoes Music

Each week, the children will be enjoying music and movement with our music teacher, Dorota Keller. Classes will alternate with the infants, pretoddlers and younger toddlers one week and the older toddlers, Preschoolers and Pre-kindergarteners the next.

Check out Twinkletoes Music for more about our music teacher.


Twice a month, children in the older toddler group, Pre-school and Pre-kindergarten classes participate in fun, curriculum based physical activity with JumpBunch.

Through play, games and introduction to sports, children improve motor skills, balance and coordination, learn about teamwork and build self-confidence.

Check out JumpBunch to learn more about this wonderful program.

Yoga with ‘Yoga Bill’

Children in the Pre-kindergarten program participate once a month in yoga.  Yoga programs designed for children help children’s bodies, minds and spirits.

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